Kisa Kids Publications is in need of the support of our global community. There is a high cost associated with creating, publishing and distributing educational resources globally - we need your help!

Kisa Kids also donates large amounts of educational resources and publications to the wider community, such as the Library Campaign and the Al-Kisa Network, visit the links to learn more about these campaigns.

We are seeking donors to partake in project-based funding and help support Kisa Kids.

There are multiple ways to donate:
1. General donation towards a project - investing in the minds and souls of our children, families, and communities!
2. Sponsor and dedicate a book for your Marḥūmīn - the name of your marhumeen will be listed on the inside front cover. This is a form of Thawāb al-Jāriyah! There is a minimum donation for a dedication, it starts at $500 depending on the publication.

If there are any questions or you would like to have more information on a specific upcoming publication please email us at

May Allah bless you and your family!

Imamia Education Center Inc (doing business as Al-Kisa Foundation & Kisa Kids) is a registered 501c3 non-profit in the United States (EIN # 20-1897073)

Please note that the titles of these books may be subject to change. 

Upcoming Kisa Kids Books

Day by Day

A fun and playful look at the day of a busy mom and her children, and how they go start their day, have fun, build a bond, and eventually wind down for the night—all the while remembering Allah and thanking Him.

Upcoming Kisa Publications

An Illustrated Guide to Hajj

This publication will be a companion for anyone who goes on Hajj or Umrah, complete with Arabic recitations, English translations, historical facts, maps and more. Join the Hajji on this journey with your donation.


The Clear Guidance - The Qur’ān

The Clear Guidance is a set of books that address the needs of today's youth and families. The Clear Guidance is a unique commentary of the Noble Qurʾān in English, offering an easy-to-follow format that provides more understanding of the Word of Allah. 


Qur’ān Quest 

Qur’ān Quest is a series of animated videos and powerpoint presentations for each of the Sūrah in the Noble Qur’ān, which has been developed alongside scholars and educators. There is a visual component to explain the ayahs in the Sūrah, while highlighting the practicality of applying the teachings of the Noble Qurʾān in our lives today. 


 Islamic Studies Curriculum

We know that Islam places great emphasis on education as a whole. We are honored to be a part of this noble cause through the development and compilation of a 7-12 grades curriculum for Islamic Studies and Qurʾān, along with life skills and contemporary issues related to our daily lives. Islam is a complete way of life and integrating school curriculum is an important facet for the youth of today.


Upcoming Project Booklets 2023